Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome to the New Creation Bible Study Blog

Hey guys,

Please, join in as we study Christ from the pages of the Bible. Of my 5 years of organizing and leading Bible study groups, this year has turned out to be the most revealing - revealing of God's truth about who I really am.
My friends and I spent the first seven months of this year studying the life of Christ - although, it turned out to be a study of who we really are in Christ. Now, we're taking these last few months to study from the Book of Romans. It has been an exciting study indeed.

I thought of creating this blog because I realized that as I moved around from place to place, each Bible study group Christ raised through me disintegrates, and then We have to start another one again somewhere else, with different people. That occurring every time did not fulfill the purpose of starting the group study in the first place, which is to ensure that young people such as myself get grounded in the Truth, which is Christ, and come to live for what is really important in this life's journey. An online Bible Study will help to bridge the gap and carry even more people along.

We will continue with where my "live" Bible study group is on in the Book of Romans, but I will upload the PDF of the entire manual we're using. You can go through each page, answering questions, sharing thoughts, and just having fun with the Lord!

As we continue with this, I sincerely pray and believe with all my heart that God will reveal Himself to you afresh every time you login to this blog.

Please, don't ever hesitate to make comments and share articles and links. Invite your friends too. Let's make the New Creation lifestyle go viral!!!

In His Love,


  1. This is gonna be fun! i'm happy i'l be part of it.Now, I wont have to worry about being absent. God bless you Temi...

  2. Thank you Jane. We're so glad to have you here.


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