Monday, November 12, 2012


Have you ever felt like even though the sun was all around you, you were in so much darkness [confused, and in doubt] about almost everything?

Well, I have felt that way, in fact of very recent!!! Recently, I moved to a new town in the south for my graduate studies [in a different field of study]. I did not know anyone in this town and I was anxious about many things. I kept asking myself questions like "is this the right decision?" "I am up for this challenge?" "Will I make it through graduate school without dropping out or multiple probations?" and many of these kinds of questions.

Slowly, my anxiety started to turn into a heavy burden and then into depression. I soon started to have random panic attacks. Also, the way I spent money did not help my anxiety. Likewise, the problems with my roommate was not helping either. All these went on for couple of weeks.[During this period, I came across this picture on Facebook]

And then finally, I realized I did not like the way I felt [lost and in so much confusion]. Then, I thought to myself, "What should I do about this?". Well, I knew I could pray about it. I started to pray for "joy unspeakable [I Peter 1:8]", "peace that surpasses all understanding [Philippians 4:7]" and "the joy of the Lord [Nehemiah 8:10]." During this period in prayers, I was reminded that Jesus instructed us "to be anxious for nothing [Philippians 4:6]" and He promised us that even though we were in valley of the shadows of death [take note - He said shadows], nothing will harm us [Psalm 23:5]. And He even said we may go through fire [Isaiah 43:2], but He will be with us all the way. 

Wow!!! What was I worried for??? It was all the lie of the enemy! I am not sure what you are going through presently but Jesus got your back... Jesus had my back!!! He cares about you and me deeply and this is the reason He will never leave us nor forsake us [Deuteronomy 31:6]

Now, I am doing much better. I have made new friends, I have good grades in my classes, my research job is going on well, and my roommate is a good buddy now [in fact, she is my audience before any presentations]. Jesus took care of all my worries!!!I hope this little reminder helps!

I am Saved by Grace [SBG]
- Komi Lasisi

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest - Matthew 11:28"

1 comment:

  1. Sure does... I'm reading through the Nov/Dec 2012 Everyday with Jesus devotional by Selwyn Hughes. This one was titled Hidden Treasures... And it talks about finding treasures in darkness - very similar to your experience. Jesus is ever there for us. No amount of darkness, suffering or hardship can ever separate us from His unfailing, unwavering, unconditional love.


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